While there are numerous other related events, here's a sampling of some of the main events.
02/14/23 - BizFed Discussion on Status of Councilmember Kevin DeLeon
02/13/23 - BizFed Homelessness Action Committee
02/06/23 - Swearing In of Metropolitan Water District Commissioners
02/02/23 - USC Price: Avoiding Cannabis Chaos - Better Policies and Strategies for a Legal Market
01/24/23 - BizFed 15th Annual Anniversary Board Meeting & Officer Installation
01/21/23 - Mike Gipson Swearing in by Karen Bass
01/18/23 - Cultivating Community: Leadership & Power Within Ecosystem for Safety
12/13/2022 - Annual BizFed Board of Directors Meeting
12/12/2022 - BizFed Leadership Roundtable Michael Shellenberger
12/03/2022 - Robert Luna, LA County Sheriff Swearing In
12/01/2022 - BizFed Advocacy Committee
02/13/23 - BizFed Homelessness Action Committee
- Partners included legislators, legislative representatives, non profits, and businesses.
02/06/23 - Swearing In of Metropolitan Water District Commissioners
02/02/23 - USC Price: Avoiding Cannabis Chaos - Better Policies and Strategies for a Legal Market
01/24/23 - BizFed 15th Annual Anniversary Board Meeting & Officer Installation
- View the news release and press conference here.
01/21/23 - Mike Gipson Swearing in by Karen Bass
01/18/23 - Cultivating Community: Leadership & Power Within Ecosystem for Safety
12/13/2022 - Annual BizFed Board of Directors Meeting
12/12/2022 - BizFed Leadership Roundtable Michael Shellenberger
12/03/2022 - Robert Luna, LA County Sheriff Swearing In
12/01/2022 - BizFed Advocacy Committee